District Mission, Plan, & Goals
Mission Statement
Building on tradition and success, the mission of the Hackettstown School District is to educate and inspire students through school, family, and community partnerships so that all become positive, contributing members of a global society, with a life-long commitment to learning. It is the expectation of this school district that all pupils achieve the New Jersey State Learning Standards at all grade levels.
Vision through Strategic Planning
Goal Area No. 1: Academic Achievement, To create an educational environment that promotes academic achievement and cultural diversity, ensuring that all students become responsible and successful global citizens.
Goal Area No. 2: Technology & Facilities, through the expansion of facilities, the District will develop a long-term technology plan that supports state-of-the-art equipment, effective integration, and increased communication with families and community members.
Goal Area No. 3: Health & Wellness and Safety & Security, to create a school environment that promotes a sense of wellness and safety throughout the District and community.
2024-2025 District Goals